We Like To Party .Before we get too carried away quoting The Vengaboys..closing party blank Stick on your sideburns! Come croon and swoon with RoosevElvis one last time for a hip-shakin` celebration! Join the TEAM to celebrate the closing night of RoosevElvis, their critically-acclaimed& ..Here at IV, we have a pretty fun bunch we like to party It seems like everyone these days is throwing big bday bashes for their wee ones... So, as we have one of our own Variant`s birthday approaching (Big O), it would be a good idea to highlight the top 5& .. Look around you everybody`s on by Look around you everybody`s on by.. Uuhhhh we gonna do this alright. We just wanted to say a huge `Thank You` to everyone who made it along to help celebrate our 18th Birthday Party on Friday and to those who have sent us kind& . So whats a mama to do& . . And when you get fun people together, parties tend to be kind of epic. Miley`s "We Can`t... Hey, who do you think that you are fooling Hey, who do you think that you are fooling..The question is, who would be on our flip cup dream team? We`re determined to recruit only the elite! We love public displays of awesomeness, so here`s this week`s celebrity who caught our attention. Said and done when it`s a saturday night.Can you imagine what would happen if we went to the desert and ate some peyote and drank some Keystone Light and partied with Johnny Manziel?. .Before we get too carried away quoting The Vengaboys..closing party blank Stick on your sideburns! Come croon and swoon with RoosevElvis one last time for a hip-shakin` celebration! Join the TEAM to celebrate the closing night of RoosevElvis, their critically-acclaimed& ..Here at IV, we have a pretty fun bunch submitted pics
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